Doutzen Kroes' birthday bouquet
The reason we have a florist shop, is because we love people. We enjoy seeing our customer's faces, when we make a gorgeous bouquet for them. We love how they stand alongside our floral work table, and watch us weave every stem into one beautiful floral arrangement. There's something very down to earth, and natural about that.
It's all about the feeling.
Image: Doutzen Kroes, via Instagram @doutzen
We recently noticed this post on Instagram, snapped by Doutzen Kroes, the world-famous model and actress. Dutch-born Doutzen, has graced Vogue magazine covers a record amount of times, parades the catwalk as a Victoria's Secret lingerie model, and is one of the highest earning models in the world.
We never expected her to be showing off one of our creations, which we had made for her recent birthday, on her Instagram feed.
Just another reason why we love what we do (like we didn't have enough already)!
Happy Birthday Doutzen!