Mixed Flower Bouquets
Each bouquet tells its own unique story through our carefully chosen mix of flowers. Our mixed bouquets combine the season's most beautiful blooms in creative arrangements that showcase nature's diversity. Each hand-tied bouquet is unique, reflecting our florists' artistic vision and their eye for surprising combinations.
In our mixed bouquets, you'll find elegant roses paired with playful daisies, striking lilies complemented by delicate wildflowers, and fresh chrysanthemums mixed with the most beautiful seasonal flowers. We love experimenting with new color combinations and textures, creating arrangements that surprise and delight.
Our florists select the finest flowers from trusted local growers every morning. They carefully consider how each flower complements the others, ensuring harmonious bouquets where every flower shines. Your arrangement will be personally delivered throughout Amsterdam and surroundings, or carefully packaged for delivery across the Netherlands.
Looking for something special? Let our experienced florists create a custom mixed bouquet that matches your style. Whether you prefer soft pastels or bold color combinations, they'll help you discover surprising flower combinations that work beautifully together.
Complete your bouquet with one of our designer vases from &Klevering. These modern vases are perfect for mixed arrangements.